Overall Opinion:
This an extremely well made helmet that I found to be worth the money - especially when purchased at a discount. You could do some weathering of your own to make the weathering they did really pop. Nice shade of olive drab green too.
I extremely enjoy the functional electronics that only need a 9 volt battery to use - featuring a light strip along the top of the visor (mimicking the Sneak Sight feature when crouching in game) in addition to the red light on the side of the helmet. There's a switch on the inside of the chin and also a little pocket to keep the 9 volt battery once connected to a small wire. There's a generous amount of cloth padding on the inside and some foam to protect the ears. My head is pretty big, so it was a snug fit. With the cloth and foam, expect your head to get hot.
The helmet was very well packaged so there's little chance in my mind it would get damaged it transit. The hoses were packaged separately alongside the radio antenna, an extra visor, and two copies of the small tip that goes right above the gas mask (you screw that in). The hoses and radio piece have 3D printed bolts that are screwed inside the helmet to keep those pieces in place. You'll likely never touch these with your face.
FYI - I am a USA buyer. Their website led me to believe the helmets are manufactured and shipped from the UK, but this doesn't appear to be the case. When I received my tracking number via email, I wasn't told which mail service they use. Thinking the helmet was coming from the UK, I searched up all the popular mail services from there and tried the tracking number to no avail. I had to DM their Instagram (which they're very active on) and was told they use Boxberry - a Russian shipping company. Now, this may be because of the conflict there, I'm not sure, but Boxberry didn't provide location information during the tracking. Normally with other mail services it'll tell you the city and state of wherever the package is, but not this mail service. I only received generic updates stating the package was received by the carrier, in transit, left host country, in customs - not a lot of info to go off. Now again, this may be because of the conflict, but the package was in customs for over a week, close to two - it took about 30 days from purchasing to get to me. Again, it was packaged very well. When I received the package, the shipping label clearly stated it came from Russia - do with that information whatever you wish.
Customer Service:
This is where it got a bit odd for me, leaving a slight bad taste in my mouth. I messaged custom service through their host website, connecting with Vahan - listed on their website as their main customer service person. This is probably a real person, and not AI. After finding out the helmet was manufactured in Russia, it made a little more sense to me that Vahan's English wasn't perfect. I had to ask him to clarify what he meant a few times, but we understood each other enough. I originally messaged customer service because I found similar looking helmets on Etsy (CyberCraft Gear Garage). At the time, there was a 20% discount on the same price of $385 on Etsy, but not on the host website (all in with the discount, I paid $368 USD). Not wanting to get scammed, I messaged Vahan asking if the Etsy page I found was theirs. Vahan oddly said the page wasn't theirs, calling it a scam (It's their page as a couple of weeks later on Instagram they advertised their Etsy). As a business I know it's better purchases are made through your own website rather than a third party as to avoid other fees - so I get that. It might be a translation issue, but I disliked Vahan's dishonesty. However, Vahan gave me the same 20% discount offered on Etsy (and this was before they announced their 20% promo on all Fallout helmets, maybe the timing was there or he genuinely misunderstood that Etsy page to be theirs and matched the price anyway). Vahan also emailed me after I received my helmet with a short message of "Hi, how r u?". Not the most professional way to go about it, but I imagine he was going to ask me about how I liked the helmet and if I'd leave a review. I'm not sure if Vahan also runs their Instagram (maybe not since he had spelling mistakes and improper English when talking to him), but whoever does was responsive when asking about their carrier. I was also emailed a 20% discount code valid for only a couple days after my initial purchase - business tactic to encourage impulse buying, I get it.
Despite the odd customer service, again, the quality of the helmet speaks for itself - satisfied with the purchase and an excellent piece of my future Elite Riot Gear cosplay. Would I buy another helmet? Definitely tempting, their Halo ODST helmet looks enticing. They seem to do discounts somewhat often of 15% to 20%, so be patient.